- the curious footprints trails -

Saturday, January 30, 2010

College life

The early morning of 18th January was the first step into pursuing my Diploma program. I had to wake up early to avoid the busy morning traffic. The scent of coffee brew and lingering scent of shampoo kept me awake and alert. I was anticipating the day as I haven’t been on any academic courses since my SPM. My parents disagree that the Diploma will be beneficial to me. However, I will work hard and make my parents proud. Okay, we’re drifting off topic. Driving to campus that morning was no joke. The traffic was crawling, and to make situation worst, I got LOST! After 3 u-turns and near misses collisions, I made it on time.

When I first step into the class I was nervous because there were so many unfamiliar faces. I started missing home. It felt like a lost child in a kindergarten. At first, I thought I was the oldest one in the class but Johnson proved me wrong. We were friends in our hometown but I didn’t expect to be in the same class with him. A familiar face really helped me to adapt to the college life. I was really looking forward to the classes and lecturers because this draws the line from my past life to my shinning future. =)

Surprisingly our lecturer was absent on our first class. I called the management office after we have dreaded waiting for 40 minutes. The person in charge, Ms Sophia, told us to log on our student portal. I did not know how to use the system at that time. I was frustrated so we (Michelle, Daniel, Johnson, Wendy & the rest of our class) went to have lunch in Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall.
That was the time I bonded with my new friends. It was good times. I look forward to strive for my Diploma with them. 2010 is the new beginning for an old soul.

P/S: I love my new friends and my new life. Cheers!! =]

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