- the curious footprints trails -

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Racial Harmony

Racial harmony.... Do you think that Malaysia is a racial harmony country? For me, it's a yes. What would the world be like if everyone were to be the same? Same culture, same religion, same races, as in everything in this world were the same, there wouldn't be too much meaning to this life isn't it?

I have travelled to a few foreign countries and I'm happy to say that Malaysia is truly one of a kind. Our multiracial nation includes Malay, Chinese, Punjabis, Sikh, and our ethnic races . Considering our vast differences, we as a nation still practice liberation and harmony. It is very appalling to watch nations battle over each other due to their differences. The conflict could be generated by anything from religion, culture or even one's skin colour. War as we know today is being reasoned without proper considerations or we could say it’s made by hasty decisions. However, here in Malaysia, I'd happy to say we are truly one.

Putting aside our differences, we have achieved an envious social integrity, economic stability, liberated government, and most importantly gained the attention of the world by our unity . Out of those differences come respect, friendship and even love. This is proven through a lot of examples such as interracial marriage, festivities that are celebrated and enjoyed together, friendship between different kind of races and a lot more. Unlike countries like Iraq, as a Malaysian I'm glad and proud that we don't have war. It is quite saddening to see the citizens over there suffering due to their own nation's fight. Children lost their parents, families lost their home, students lost their school and all this can be avoided only if they understand and realize how important the meaning of harmonious and peace. For me, I would think that it would be a huge mistake to start a war and causes nation-wide suffering.

So now would you agree when people said that we are a big harmony country and we should feel glad of it? I hate wars and I think so do you guys. So as long as we respect each other and hold on to our values, we are one big happy family. Cheers!

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