- the curious footprints trails -

Monday, February 15, 2010

Animal Rights Part 1

Hi everyone, I’m back to my blog again.. Well, today we’re starting a new topic titled animal rights. Wow…. Animals… It reminds me of luxurious fur coat which are selling thousands and thousands each. Although I’m a fan of luxurious product but I will definitely say a NO to fur coat. People killing wolves, bears, tigers, leopards and many more just to get their fur. Just try to imagine how cruel is it if you’re the one that get killed and people selling your skin and fur or other parts of your body for money. People do not really care about what’s right or wrong, what they suppose to do and what they not especially about the issue of animal rights. People keep ignoring the importance of the animal kingdom. We have long created a cohabitate with animals. As we all understand, from the Darwin theology, we were evolved from the same generation of the apes. Assuming this was true, we and the animals should be equally treated. Sometimes we assume that just because we’ve been the dominating species, we are allowed to treat animals however we want. Do we know what happens at animal slaughter houses? I can bet after watching a video of what happens in there, you will NEVER eat meat again. The ways they are slaughtered are beyond the human imagination. Piles of chickens with their throats slit open bleeding to death as their brethren die one after the other. Pigs, cows and lambs and kangaroos too having their heads cut off by chainsaws! Put down your drumsticks and listen! Their voices are reaching out to you! Stop this injustice! If they were human we would consider this genocide! I’ve always wanted to express my feelings about the other kind ever since my dog Lessie died in a car accident. The driver was drunk while he was driving and he ran away after the accident. Imagine how irresponsible the human are now to the animals. We should stop the cruelty against animal and starting to treat them right.

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