- the curious footprints trails -

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trip to Malacca!!

Yesterday me and my friends were dead bored at home with nothing to do. The boredom was so bad, some of them went just wanted to go out. We’ve randomly selected Melaka as our destination. We left from Seremban at 4pm. The highway traffic was smooth and we cruised by to our destination.

On the way there, I felt at ease and blessed to have many friends. We sang songs in the car all the way to Melaka. When we reached, our first destination was Jonker Street. There was a lot of traditional food there. We had cendol, durian cendol and local made egg tarts. It was all mouth wateringly good. After the long walk along Jonker Street, we headed to Dataran Pahlawan Shopping complex. All of us did some shopping of our own there. I got another pair of shoes as expected J. We walked around in Dataran Pahlawan Shopping complex for about 1.5hours. Everybody was getting hungry after that.

We decided to have our dinner in Capital satay celup. It is a local special and it’s very famous in Melaka. Some celebrities have dined there too. The food is served buffet style. The restaurant is packed and hot but still there are long lines of people at the entrance queuing up. There will be a pot of boiling handmade satay sauce that is then mixed with chicken floss and crushed peanuts. We have to dip out meat in the pot until it’s cooked. It was so delicious that the four of us ate more than 200sticks. I felt like a glutton at that moment. I was too full that I can’t move for at least 15mins.

Later on, we met with some of my local friends in a local Bar. The bar is called Arena. It was quiet packed but it’s still a good place for socializing. We finished our drink and headed home. The journey was tiring; I fell asleep in the back seat. It was a good day hanging out with my friends and I enjoy the moment. J

Well hi everyone… it’s me again. Holidays for Chinese New Year have officially ended this week. Everyone has to go back to their work position or I should say their everyday life. All my friends are all trying to tell me how moody they are because they have to wake up from their fantasy land after the break for Chinese New Year holidays. For me, I just want more holidays but I better not dream about it anymore or else I’ll end up failing my subjects for midterm. Haha. Why don’t you guess what I’m going to write today?

There is no specific topic for this week. So I’m free to write anything I want… Woopie… As some of you might know I am crazy about shoes. I can’t resist heels. For me, they are my babies. I’ve got history about buying three to five pairs of shoes in a day. My friends usually like to ask me why but I’ve got no answers for them. I enjoyed the process of buying shoes, it makes me feel satisfied. When I was down or very stressed, I love to go shopping. I was once told that shopping is a good way to release stress but a bad habit to maintain. My mom used to complaint about me buying too many shoes and not wearing them. So far I have more than hundred pairs of shoes and I can’t find the right occasion to wear them.

There are many types of shoes in this world. But the one that I love the most is the crazy high heels. My favorite shoe designer is Jimmy Choo. I bet every girl heard about the brand and is craving for the shoes. They are perfectly made and steal every girl’s heart! I dreamt to be a shoe designer before but my drawing skills are bad. So I’ve decided to postpone this dream until I get better ideas. Cheers!

Friday, February 19, 2010

We Love Festivals!!

(Source from:http://www.photolog.org./archives...apor.php)

It is Chinese New Year week and I went back to my hometown which is Seremban to celebrate this festival. Usually a month before Chinese New Year, the town and shopping mall will be lighten up with red lantern, lime trees, origami and blossom flowers. Each and every family will clean up their own house before that as a meaning that the bad and the old ones will go and the new and good ones will come. Guess there are a lot of us are waiting for this day for the whole year because this is when we visits our relatives, our friends and the most important part is we can get “Ang Paw” from those who were married.

As a tradition, the day before Chinese New Year there will be a reunion dinner which is compulsory for every family member to come back. On the first day of Chinese New Year, the younger will bow down and serve tea to the elders before they get “Ang Paw”. And for the “Ang paw” the amount doesn’t matter because it represents good luck for the one who receives it. Visiting usually happens on the second day of Chinese New Year but my family is different. We visit our relatives and friends on the first day.

Lion dance is a part of our tradition in this festive day too. It is a symbol of good luck that the dancing lion will bring to the family. The lion will jump from one pole to another to reach the cabbage and pass it to the owner. And for the food that we eat in Chinese New Year, it carries symbolic meanings. Example like the mandarin brings the meaning of gold.

Festive is a good chance that gathers each and every family member together. It unites us. Cheers! =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Animal Rights Part 2

In many countries, food delicacy has played a main attraction to the tourism sector. As we all know, delicacies like monkey brain, goose liver and bear paw has been known to be the most exquisite and expensive dining meals. It has also long been link mythically that by consuming these foods, we might gain super natural powers or lead a successful life.

In Vietnam, the monkey brain is very famous. The preparation for the dish is simple. The live monkey will be locked in a cage while is skull is carefully sawed by a miniature chainsaw. This has to be done slowly so it will not spill the brains. As it has a clean circumference cut, the dish is served. People will scope the life monkey brain to be eaten. I truly wonder how people digest the raw brains sliding down their throat.

In France, the goose liver is also considered as an exquisite meal. I’ve once went to a famous French restaurant and surprisingly the meal for the goose liver cost me RM1000 plus. So I wondered, how did the goose liver came about to be an exquisite dish. After some internet searches, I was shocked to find out that the goose was actually forced to eat till death just to make their liver grow fatter. They force down a tube to flow synthetic food to rapidly expand the liver. The hormone imbalance caused by the food makes the gooses to be very sick and unhealthy.

The term delicacy usually relates to the rareness of the dish. I understand now why it is expensive for these meals to be prepared. I know for sure I do not want to eat a hormone unbalance goose liver or a live monkey brain. It is too cruel to watch and to consume.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Animal Rights Part 1

Hi everyone, I’m back to my blog again.. Well, today we’re starting a new topic titled animal rights. Wow…. Animals… It reminds me of luxurious fur coat which are selling thousands and thousands each. Although I’m a fan of luxurious product but I will definitely say a NO to fur coat. People killing wolves, bears, tigers, leopards and many more just to get their fur. Just try to imagine how cruel is it if you’re the one that get killed and people selling your skin and fur or other parts of your body for money. People do not really care about what’s right or wrong, what they suppose to do and what they not especially about the issue of animal rights. People keep ignoring the importance of the animal kingdom. We have long created a cohabitate with animals. As we all understand, from the Darwin theology, we were evolved from the same generation of the apes. Assuming this was true, we and the animals should be equally treated. Sometimes we assume that just because we’ve been the dominating species, we are allowed to treat animals however we want. Do we know what happens at animal slaughter houses? I can bet after watching a video of what happens in there, you will NEVER eat meat again. The ways they are slaughtered are beyond the human imagination. Piles of chickens with their throats slit open bleeding to death as their brethren die one after the other. Pigs, cows and lambs and kangaroos too having their heads cut off by chainsaws! Put down your drumsticks and listen! Their voices are reaching out to you! Stop this injustice! If they were human we would consider this genocide! I’ve always wanted to express my feelings about the other kind ever since my dog Lessie died in a car accident. The driver was drunk while he was driving and he ran away after the accident. Imagine how irresponsible the human are now to the animals. We should stop the cruelty against animal and starting to treat them right.